Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's been a while

So, It's been a while since my last post. I hope that I still have some valiant readers.
Well, school has started and I think that I'm going to enjoy my semester. I have a class that's taught by a guy who studies bears for a living. How cool is that? I also have another professor who studies bugs for a living and is totally crazy. Another fun and exciting class. I'm really enjoying my class on soil science-I find it fascinating. It is amazing how much there is to know about soil! The only time that I've been bored in that class was when we had to watch a movie about water absorption into soil. I guess it was probably more exciting watching it on a movie where they can speed time up, but probably not a whole lot more exciting than watching dirt get wet in real life. I have a lab for that class where we get to run tests on dirt and it's really cool. We went outside for lab on Friday and we all got soil samples that we are going to test to find out how much pore space there is in there. We all got our little tin cups and got our dirt samples and they are all in the oven in the lab cooking so that there is no moisture when we run our tests next Friday. For my biology class, I have to have a nature experience. I went out last night and sat in the rain. Well, I walked through the rain and then I found "a cavity of a rock" and stayed there and thought about what I can do for my nature project. I think I'm going to find out which plants and animals survive best in rockslide areas. What do you think?
Yesterday was homecoming. Which means, pretty much nothing for me. Except that I got out of the temple at the same time that the game was over and so it took me more than an hour to get home. It's really not very far and it took more than an hour. When I got home I was really in a bad mood. But I recovered. It took a nap and some nature, but I felt better. And I thought-no wonder I want to be a forest ranger where there aren't so many people :P
Also, I had a girlfriend. I don't know how many of you I told about that. But we're not dating any more. It was the cleanest breakup I've ever had though. We can even still talk to each other and not feel too weird. :P
I will hopefully be able to include some pictures of my Indian shirts for you, Amber, but it's Sunday and I haven't showered yet, so I don't want to do it quite yet. I have included a picture of my breakfast this morning-a great idea to do with granola that you have. Put it on pancakes! This wasn't the granola that I had made, however, I bought it from the store. But it will work both ways, trust me!
I hope that everyone is doing great, and I'll hopefully be able to post a little more soon!


R and M said...

#1 I feel a little left out because you didn't mention me as part of your recovery from the long drive home. Maybe you could have said "It took a nap, heard sweet words of comfort from my sister, and some nature, but I felt better."
#2 I think that you nature topic is good. If you are looking for something else, of great importance to the world be to define of the perfect ranger station.
#3 I was just wondering if after learning about what is in soil you feel a little bit guilty for eating it.
#4 Thanks for the picture of the granola pancakes.
#5 We are excited to see your Indian outfits too!

Amber F said...

A shower?? A shower?? What were you thinking? Forest rangers do not take showers. But don't worry, I'm not too upset. I'm glad that you are enjoying dirt. You and Ella-marie could have an interesting conversation about dirt and the different tastes/components. Hehehe.

Douglas & Lucinda Johnson said...

I remember taking a soils class once. I don't think it stuck with me though, it must of just all washed away.

Do you remember as a boy scout that for the nature merit badge you had to sit in the woods and observe nature for a couple hours? You thought that you were going to die, and now you want to do this for a living? Strange. Can we come and visit you when you are living in the wilderness? Dad

Douglas & Lucinda Johnson said...

Maybe you and Ella-marie have more in common that just loving dirt -- you both have Indian outfits!

I believe I have spent most of my life trying to get you out of the dirt, and now it's your first choice for fun and learning.

By the way, dirt stains and doesn't ever come out -- no matter what color it is (black, red, brown, etc.)

Ben said...

I liked the post, but I feel that I should be written more. I'm rad, aren't I? Also, those pancakes were amazingly delicious.

Amber F said...

CRAIG!!! What happened to the pictures of your shirts??? It's been two weeks. You can't seriously have gone two weeks without a shower, could you?? If you have, then I feel really sorry for your roommates.